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TUFTSim Manual

To run a successful TUFTSim simulation, you must:
1) compile the necessary files
2) operate the simulator.

To assist in these tasks, we have created Compilation and Operational diagrams that will take you step by step through these processes to ensure a successful simulation.
TUFTSim Compilation Diagram: TUFTSim Operational Diagram:

Below is a general sample of how to run an TUFTSim simulation (without any visual aid).

Compiling an experiment for use in TUFTSim:
  1. Create verilog (industry standard circuit description) file:
    - get "(circuit name).bench"
    - turn into verilog with the Bench2ver tool
    - this turns the bench file into "(circuit name).v"
  2. Create dee (TUFTSim-specific circuit description) file:
    - turn the verilog file into a dee file using the Parse tool
    - this turns (verilog file) into a .dee file
  3. Create the symbol table (list of all elements in the circuit):
    - get the symbol table from the dee file using the Crest tool
    - this makes "(circuit name).smt" from the .dee file
  4. Generate a .flt faults file:
    - derive a fault file (.flt) from a circuit description file (.v) using the generateFLT tool
    - this makes "(circuit name).flt" from the .v file
  5. Create the .fls faults file:
    - use the flt2fls tool to convert the .flt fault file to a .fls fault file
    - 'flt' fault files are a format widely used in industry, where 'fls' files are those compatible with TUFTSim
  6. Create the waveform file:
    - use func_waveformgen to generate a .dgp file, then convert to a .dwe format
    - if file is .vec file, first need to make it a .dgp: open and strip off first line (# inputs) and last line ("END"), save as a .dgp (big list of waveform vectors)
    - second, turn .dgp into a .dwe using the func_dgp2dwe tool

Running an experiment with TUFTSim: (numbered items represent command line entry)
  1. l n (circuit_name)
    - load the circuit description file ['load netlist (circuit_name)']
  2. l f (circuit_name)
    - load the fault file
  3. l w (circuit_name)
    - load the waveform file
  4. r w
    - run the waveform (simulation will then execute)
  5. d s
    - display statistics, or:
    - "d c": display coverage
    - "d f": display faults (big list)
  6. e
    - exits TUFTSim